Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yummy Pumpkin Doughnuts with Apple Cider Glaze

These little beauties would be so great to make for your kids to eat when they get home from trick-or-treating on Halloween! Yet another way to incorporate yummy pumpkin into our diets this time of year. I love it!

with Apple Cider Glaze or Cinnamon Sugar

1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 C. canned pumpkin puree
1/2 C. sugar
1/2 C. buttermilk
1/4 C. brown sugar
3 T. butter; melted
4 t. baking powder
2 t. pumpkin pie spice
1 t. salt
1/2 t. baking soda
3 C. sifted all purpose flour
Vegetable oil for frying

1. Whisk egg and yolk together in a large bowl until frothy.
2. Add pumpkin, sugar, buttermilk, brown sugar, and butter; whisk until combined.
3. Stir in baking powder, pie spice, salt and soda.
4. Fold flour in gradually until a sticky dough forms; cover with plastic wrap and freeze 15 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, heat 2" oil to 370 degrees in an electric skillet, deep fryer, or straight-sided pan over medium.
6. Pat out dough on a well-floured surface to 1/2" thick, then cut with a 3" and 1" biscuit cutters dipped in flour. (You can also use a doughnut cutter, if you have one.)
7. Transfer doughnuts and holes to a floured baking sheet using spatula that's been dusted in flour.
8. Fry doughnuts and holes in batches in the oil until browned, about 3 minutes, turning once (holes will cook faster). Drain on a paper towel-lined baking sheet.
9. Finish with sugar or glaze (see recipes below).
10. Makes about 18 doughnuts and holes.


1/2 C. apple cider
pinch of salt
5-6 C. powdered sugar

1. Heat cider and salt in a small saucepan over low until hot.
2. Take off the heat and whisk in the powdered sugar until smooth.
3. Dip cooled doughnuts in glaze and let stand about 5 minutes.

(The glaze will dry as it cools, so make it just before using.)


1 C. sugar
2 t. ground cinnamon

1. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small paper bag.
2. Toss doughnuts and holes in sugar mixture while hot.

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