Friday, October 22, 2010

Leaving Comments

So I've worried a lot lately that I put all of this time into doing research, taking pictures and posting information on this blog, and nobody is even looking at it. I have heard from a couple people say at church that they have taken a look at it before, but sometimes I wonder if perhaps I'm spending all of this time when nobody reads it?

I took a look at the "comment" settings on the blog, and noticed that to leave a comment, you had to actually have a Google account. I changed the settings, so anyone can leave a comment, regardless of having an account or not. It will just be under "anonymous," so you can leave your name after the comment, or if you wish to remain anonymous, I suppose you don't have to put it.  I just thought I would give you that bit of information, and see if things change at all. This is unlike any calling I've ever had, and I hope I'm putting information on here that is helpful and that you are able to become more self-reliant, prepared, and save some money!


  1. I think you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work. I look at it every day, just so you know.

  2. I love your blog and also check it every day i know you must spend hours and hours on it your amazing and the recipes are awsome thanks for all your hard work!!
