Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekly Meal: Orange Chicken and Orange Julius!

Everything you need for this meal can be purchased at Target this week April 3- April 9! Remember to check your food storage before heading to Target, you may have some on hand already from previous stock-up price sales. (With my own stockpile, the only things I had to purchase were the Oranges, the rest are all items we have gotten incredible deals on the past few months I have stocked up on.)

Purchase 1-2 lbs Gold’n Plump Boneless, Skinless, Chicken Breasts $3.99
Plus, purchase 1 5lb bag of Market Pantry Oranges $2.99
Plus, purchase Kikkoman Low Sodium Soy Sauce $1.43
Use the $1.00 off Kikkoman Coupon
Total Cost as low as $7.41

RECIPE #1: Orange Chicken Marinade, Optional: Serve with White or Brown Rice and Green beans or Corn on the Cob.
2-3 Chicken Breasts (On Sale $3.99/lb at Target)
1/3 Cup Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice (On Sale $2.99 for 5lb bag at Target)
3 Tablespoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce (Use the $1.00 off Kikkoman Coupon)
2 Tablespoons Honey
2 Teaspoons Garlic Powder
1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

1. In mixing bowl, mix Orange Juice, Soy Sauce, Honey, Garlic Powder, and Pepper. Stir until combined, then set aside.
2. Cut 2-3 Chicken Breasts into bite size pieces and place in a 1-Gallon Ziploc Bag (You could also leave the Chicken Breast whole if your going to grill them)
3. Reserve 1/4 Cup of the marinade for serving, and pour the rest over Chicken in the Ziploc bag. Close the bag and refrigerate at least 2 hours.
4. If not grilling, cook the chicken in a frying pan on medium-high heat until Chicken is cooked through. Toss marinade left in the ziploc.
5. Pour sauce that you had set aside earlier over cooked chicken before serving.
(Marinade has 225 Calories,  0 grams of fat)

Recipe #2: Orange Julius
2/3 Cup Orange Juice (On Sale $2.99 for 5lb bag at Target)
1/2 Cup Water
1/2 Cup 1 % Milk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
4 Teaspoon’s Sugar (Could substitute with Splenda to make an even healthier version)
8-12 Ice Cubes
1. Add all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Serve immediately.
(209 Calories, 1.25 grams of fat Total)

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