Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shelf Reliance Taste Test!

I recently received this information from Sister Hardy, our Relief Society President. It was forwarded to her, in case any of you are interested. It sounds interesting, and definitely would help us all become more self-reliant! This is an email from Marjalee Smith, from our Stake. If you are interested, you will see a phone number to call for more information. Thanks!

"Hey there!  Joseanne and I are interested in ordering some items from Shelf Reliance, a food storage company that specializes in freeze dried food.  I tasted some of their fruit at an event recently and it was so good!  But, I wanted Joseanne to taste it and I wanted to taste some of their other items and since the only way really to taste it is to have a 'party' - we set up a 'party'.  If you would like to taste test their products, we invite you to come to my home on Saturday the 9th of April between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.  It will be open house style, so you can just come when you want and taste what they have and go.  No pressure to buy anything - just an opportunity to taste it.  Feel free to bring your spouse or friends."

Shelf Reliance Taste Test!
April 9th (Saturday)
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Marjalee Smith's house
6373 Gordon Creek Circle
Mtn. Green, Utah 84050

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