Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing on TLC Tonight!

A few months ago, a bunch of us witnessed a pilot of a new TLC series called Extreme Couponing. They featured 3 couponers who scored some pretty extreme items for cheap.  One person purchased 2,000 boxes of Total Cereal for FREE with his coupons.

Tonight at 6pm MST, the series Premiere of Extreme Couponing will air.  (Check for your time) And I personally think it is going to be interesting to see what these couponers do, if they follow the rules or bend them, what in the world they do with WAY too much food and what kind of couponing personalities they have.

Obviously everyone has their concerns about this show.  What kind of impact is it having on manufacturers after seeing extreme couponers?  Does it show was REAL couponers are all about? Or, is it all just a reality TV show and just needs to be seen as that?

My opinion is that we will see a little backlash from companies- depending on what type of extreme things these couponers do.  I guess it all just depends on how extreme they get. Real couponers purchase items their family NEEDS, and a few extra to have in their stockpile so they never have to pay full price again.  Purchasing 200 deodorants is not what you should be doing- unless you are doing a Military Care Package Project.

Things expire, so I never personally buy more than my family can use during the expiration period.  It doesn’t make sense to do so.  So, although I have a pretty great stockpile, you will NEVER see me have one like the Extreme Couponers.

What are your thoughts?  Excited as I am to see the show air tonight?  I’ve set my DVR.  So I’m crossing my fingers that we will have a few “good examples” in the bunch.  Hopefully it didn’t get spun too much to just be a great TV show!

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