Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Super Purpose--April Visiting Teaching Message/Handout

The April 2011 Visiting Teaching Message is about the purpose of Relief Society. As I read the message and some of the supporting materials (particularly this talk by by Elder Ballard), I was impressed by how valued, how empowered women are in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As I considered the far reaching effects a righteous woman has on all those around her, I wanted to create a teaching aid that reflects the powers we have been given to participate in God's work - that of saving souls, leading women, strengthening homes, and building the kingdom of God.

I started with this lollipop. Just trim out, hole punch the cape and tape on the mask. It represents the "super" work we have to accomplish, along with the divine abilities we've been given to carry out our responsibilities.

The comic illustrates simple examples of ways to increase in faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and provide relief by serving the Lord and His children. I appreciate the challenge in the message and thought questions to increase our offering to fulfill the purpose of Relief Society as never before, and to find what I need to do to strengthen my faith and increase my own personal righteousness.

You can find the free download for the comic, cape and mask here. Print on heavy cardstock so your cape will fly straight!

Some wonderful sisters have volunteered to translate into Spanish, Portuguese, French and German. As the translations come back to me, I will post them here at the bottom of this post.

Thank you all for the uplifting comments. I love knowing how visiting teachers everywhere are sharing messages and sisterhood with one another. You are all super. ;)

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