Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2 Dinners for $10.28 TOTAL or Less! (Serves 6 People)

Everything you need for these two meals can be purchased at Target this week! Remember to check your stockpiles before heading to Target, you may have some on hand already from previous stock-up price sales. (With my own stockpile, the only things I had to purchase were the Swiss Cheese and Stove Top- the rest are all items we have gotten incredible deals on the past few months I have stocked up on.)

Purchase one 2.5lb bag of Market Pantry Chicken $5.00
Plus, purchase 1 box of Stove Top $1.69
Plus, purchase one can of Market Pantry Cream of Chicken Soup $.79
Plus, purchase on box of Market Pantry Pasta $.69
Plus, purchase one jar of Market Pantry Pasta Sauce $.95
Plus, purchase on bag of Market Pantry Shredded Parm/Mozzerella Cheese $1.80
Plus, purchase on bag of Market Pantry Swiss Cheese $2.59
Use the $.50 off Stove Top Coupon
You pay $13.01, but you’ll only be using 1/2 the bag of Chicken, 1/2 the box of Pasta, 1/2 the jar of Pasta Sauce, and 1/2 the package of Swiss Cheese
Total Cost $10.28 for 2 meals!

RECIPE #1: Swiss Cheese Chicken, Optional: Serve with side salad (Also on sale at Target this week 2 for $4.00)
Use 6 of the Market Pantry Chicken Breasts
4-6 Slices of Swiss Cheese
1 (10.75 oz) Can of Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
1 (8 oz) Bag of Stuffing
2 Tablespoons of Butter, melted
1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9×13 inch baking dish.
2. Arrange thawed chicken breasts in baking dish. Place on slice of swiss cheese on top of each chicken breast. Spoon cream of chicken soup over the cheese and spread evenly. Sprinkle with stuffing, I used about half the box. Then, pour your melted butter over the top of the stuffing evenly.
3. Cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Remove foil and bake another 10 minutes until chicken in no longer pink, and juices run clear.
(Per Serving: 568 Calories, 29.1 grams of fat)

RECIPE #2: Chicken Parmesans Macaroni Casserole, Optional: Serve with Garlic Bread
1/2 Jar Market Pantry Pasta Sauce
2 Cups Parmesan/Mozzarella Cheese Blend
2-3 Chicken Breasts (whatever is left over from the previous recipe), Poached and Shredded
1/2 box Market Pantry Pasta (about 3 cups)
1. Cook Pasta according to package directions, and preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In large bowl, mix Pasta, shredded chicken, 1 Cup of Cheese, and pasta sauce together. Stir until everything is combined.
3. Pour pasta mixture into 9×13 inch baking dish. Cover with the remaining cheese, and bake for 15 minutes or until macaroni salad is heated through and cheese has melted.
(Per Serving: 520 Calories, 56 grams of fat)

**For those of you are familiar with Price Matching at Walmart, you could take the Target weekly ad with you and pick up these items at Walmart instead.  A few items like the Swiss cheese should be cheaper and may bring your total cost down even more.

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