Thursday, March 3, 2011

Send your Expired Coupons Overseas to our Military Families!

I wanted to re-post this for all of those who are new and didn’t know you can donate your expired coupons to Military Families.
If you didn’t know, Military Families that are stationed overseas can use coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date!  So, instead of just tossing our expired coupons, let’s help out our military families!

There is an extensive list of overseas bases that need our coupons.  And, periodically they change, depending on the need of the families.  So, the best way for you to know which bases are still accepting coupons is to check out Grocery Saving Tips.  They update the list monthly.  So your coupons will always be going to the right place!

A few tips:
  • Cut all of your coupons you will be sending.  It will cut down on shipping costs.
  • Divide coupons into “Non- Food” and “Food” Categories.  Put them in two separate plastic baggies.  Pet food is considered a non-food item.
  • They can only use regular Manufacturer coupons.  So don’t send store coupons of any sort.
  • Send your coupons out quickly after they expire.  If your coupons are expired longer than 2 months, don’t send them.
It may take a little of your time to do this.  But think of how many people are serving our country!  This is a great way for us to help out and say “Thank You!”
You can click the link above to find a list of addresses overseas that are currently accepting coupons.  Or, Darlene is actually stationed in Turkey and is in charge of their coupon program there.  If you want to send your coupons to her:
Unit 7505, Box 175
APO, AE 09824
For this mailing address, she said it would be helpful if you could sort the coupons into cateogories and put them in baggies when you ship them.  Baby, cleaning, personal hygeniene and so forth.  And, she Thanks you in advance!  If you put a little note inside your package with your email address, she said she would try to let you know when they arrive!

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